
Chair Co-holders: The UNESCO Chair is jointly held by Professors Araceli Alonso and Christine Garlough at the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and the Center for Research on Gender and Women.

Honorary President: Federico Mayor Zaragoza, President of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace – Former UNESCO Director General.

Scientific Committee:


Sandra Adell

Credentials: PhD, African American Studies

Araceli Alonso

Credentials: RN, MA, MS, PhD Women’s Studies

Sumudu Atapattu

Credentials: LLM, PhD Law School

Shelby Baker

Credentials: MBA and MA Gender and Women’s Studies, member of the Three Affiliated Tribes, Independent Scholar

Beatriz Botero

Credentials: Ph.D. Integrated Liberal Studies, Spanish and Portuguese

Claudia Calderón

Credentials: PhD Horticulture

Fabu Carter

Credentials: PhD Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

Teresa Correa

Credentials: Ph.D., Communication Studies

Rahel Desalegne

Credentials: PE, PTOE Engineering

Lori DiPrete Brown

Credentials: MSPH, MTS Human Ecology and Medicine and Public Health

Christine Garlough

Credentials: PhD Gender and Women’s Studies

Jean Geran

Credentials: PhD Human Ecology and International Relations

Nancy Kendall

Credentials: PhD Education

Teresa Langle de Paz

Credentials: PhD Women’s Studies and Peace Studies

Sarli Mercado

Credentials: PhD Spanish and Portuguese

Erika Rosales

Credentials: Law School

Karla Strand

Credentials: PhD Gender and Women’s Studies

Aili Tripp

Credentials: PhD Political Science, African Studies Program